Widely observed holidays -- New Year's Day -- Feast of the Epiphany -- Chinese New Year -- Candlemas -- Shrove Tuesday, or Mardi Gras -- Abraham Lincoln's birthday -- St. Valentine's Day -- Lent -- George Washington's birthday -- Purim -- St. Patrick's Day -- Palm Sunday -- Maundy Thursday -- Good Friday -- Holy Saturday -- Easter Sunday -- Arbor Day -- Pan American Day -- Pesach (Passover) -- May Day -- Mother's Day -- Ascension Day -- Pentecost, or Whitsunday -- Memorial Day -- Shavuot -- Flag Day -- Father's Day -- Independence Day -- The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary -- Labor Day -- Citizenship Day -- American Indian Day -- Rosh Hashanah -- Yom Kippur -- Columbus Day -- Sukkot -- United Nations Day -- Halloween -- Veterans Day -- Thanksgiving Day -- Advent -- Bill of Rights Day -- Forefathers' Day -- Hanukkah -- Christmas Day -- Holidays briefly noted -- Martin Luther King's birthday -- Robert E. Lee's birthday -- Inauguration Day -- Groundhog Day -- April Fools' Day -- Thomas Jefferson's birthday -- Patriots' Day -- Armed Forces Day -- National Maritime Day -- Birthday of Jefferson Davis -- National Aviation Day -- Sweetest Day -- Reformation Sunday -- All Saints' Day -- Feast of the Immaculate Conception -- Other holidays at a glance.